
a buried lede and a sneak peek

Kelly Wearstler Design
Hey readers! I'm finally digging myself out of work piles and personal to-do lists to bring back my regular blog posts.  I know it's been a while since my last posting and I had no idea so many people were regular readers.  I have to admit, it's nice to hear people say they miss my blog posts!

Ok, enough about all that.  I've buried the lede on my most exciting piece of news in a long time... I'm on my way to being a homeowner!  Long story short, I found an amazing little apartment in DC's Kalorama neighborhood on California Street (how perfect is that since I'm originally from NorCal?!).  I move in early next month and start decorating and renovating like a mad woman.

Of course, I plan to document everything here on urban tastemakers.  I've included a sneak peek above.  I've had this photo of a Kelly Wearstler-designed room in my inspiration files for years and I'm finally going to get the opportunity to copy it on a budget!

So to recap: 1. I'm back to regular blogging (yeah!) 2. I'm buying an apartment (yeah!) and 3. I'm documenting the design and renovation process right here, so check back early and often!

image via kelly wearstler, inc.


  1. I love Kelly and I love this room! It looks liveable and practical, but still has all the glam and high style Kelly exudes in her design.

  2. Hi David! I agree, Kelly is awesome! Her books are a source of endless inspiration. She is so creative! I'm very excited to re-create this look and feel in my own home. I already own a rug I scored on sale from West Elm a couple years ago that is very similar to the one Kelly designed for her '08 rug collection. Thanks for the comment!



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